#120: Britta Lorenz – Support the Customer’s Needs to Co-Create and Innovate

January 17, 2022
Scale Your Sales Podcast Britta Lorenzs

My next guest is a partner of the PDA group. Founder of the DAC chapter of women in sales enablement, and a board member of trust enablement. She brings her executive coaching skills to the world of enablement to bring sales and marketing closer together so creating a fantastic customer experience, driving business growth. Welcome to Scale Your Sales podcast, Britta Lorenz.

0:00 Support the Customer’s Needs to Co-Create and Innovate. 

1:52 Enable sales performance through design thinking methodology. 

4:06 Make sales more effective and efficient by putting on a customer-first mindset. 

8:41 Don’t apply methods on the customer, always go with and together. 

11:25 The first step to customer relationships is to be curious and listen. 

15:03 Coaching questioning techniques help uncover unique potential. 

20:45 It’s better to release a finished product rather than a perfect one. 

21:40 Why communication between all departments is key for excellent sales enablement. 




Janice B Gordon, the awarding-winning Customer Growth Expert and founder of Scale Your Sales Framework. She is by LinkedIn Sales 15 Innovating Sales Influencers to Follow 2021, the Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Customer Experience Nov 2020 and of 150  Women B2B Thought Leader You Should Follow in 2021

Janice helps companies around the world to reimagine revenue growth through customer experience and sales.

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