#176: Janice B. Gordon- Scale Your Sales Podcast is Moving Forward and Here is How

February 13, 2023

In this week’s episode of Scale Your Sales Podcast, Janice B. Gordon wanted to talk about the changes that Scale Your Sales  Podcast will be going to conduct. 


Scale Your Sales Podcast has focused on promoting a diversity of views within the sales industry. 


Now, here’s how the podcast will move forward…


00:35- Why Make Some Changes?

1:29- Reasons Why Diversity is Important to Janice B. Gordon

2:05- Quality of Scale Your Sales Podcast

3:22- What is still, and What is New?

4:37- What We Discuss in the Podcast

5:45- Now, Let’s hear from…

8:27- New Point of Views

10:56- Hello Leading Industries, Join us.


Book Janice to speak virtually at your next event https://janicebgordon.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janice-b-gordon 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JaniceBGordon

Scale Your Sales Podcast: https://scaleyoursales.co.uk/podcast

More on the blog https://scaleyoursales.co.uk/blog

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janicebgordon 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScaleYourSalesJBG

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Scale Your Sales Janice B Gordon

We work with Chief Revenue officers, Sales Leaders, and SaaS Founders identify their best-paying customers, retain more of them, and modernise for a customer and buyer-centric relationship.

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