Expert Shares Tips For Influencer Global Customer Growth

Scale Your Sales Blog Janice B Gordon

“You are the business. People buy from you before they buy a product or service. Therefore, with influencer marketing,it is important to lead with personality. Show people who you are – there are many ways to do it via social media.”

These were the words of Janice B Gordon, multi-award-winning customer growth expert and global influencer marketer, to freelancers during a Safrea webinar in February. She shared valuable tips on how to enhance your online ranking so that brands approach you to influence their markets.

Janice B Gordon Speaking at SAFREA

Tips to enhance your social footprint

  • LinkedIn is the most popular business-to-business platform. Ensure a clear updated message, aimed at your ideal customer, using relevant keywords.
  • Master your platform – check and respond to your messages daily. If you’re not on all platforms, use at least one platform really well.
  • Post articles consistently to create a social footprint.
  • Post audio files and videos to enhance engagement.
  • Demonstrate your credibility, results, and achievements with a series of video content.
  • Consider podcasting – it is going to be bigger than video.
  • Have one goal for your content, add clear objectives to measure the results via analytics and repeat the cycle to achieve success.
  • Use testimonials as social proof to show that you are good at what you do.
  • Use your ideal customer’s language and keywords in your marketing material.
  • Share the results your desired customer is looking for.
  • Enhance your footprint by posting carefully selected images of yourself and demonstrating your personality and expertise on your website and social platforms. Start with a headshot captured by a professional Safrea photographer.
  • Use your 3-4 keywords or phrases in all your messaging – regularly and consistently.
  • Understand the triggers and events that create demand for your work.
  • Maintain a global mindset and benefit from currency/seasonal fluctuations by moving your business around the world.
  • Experiment with different marketplaces in order to source work in other countries.

Assessing real influence

  • Resonance – Use peer validation, engage with other experts – it increases your influence to be connected and engaged with other influencers.
  • Relevance – Regularly talk to other influencers about your subject and use keywords that describe your subject, industry, and yourself. This way people will be more likely to find your expertise.
  • Reach – The number of people you are connected to and engage with on social media and in your email list, will be effective.

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placement from influencers, people and organisations who have a purported expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field. There are four levels: Mega, Marco, Micro and Nano. The focus has moved away from Mega celebrities to other levels that deliver a better return on investment for brands.

Janice B Gordon speaking at SAFREA

Article created for SAFREA and written by

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Scale Your Sales Janice B Gordon

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