Trust Issues Increases Buyers Risk Invest in the Trusted Relationship


Trust is at its lowest level ever! As proven in the recent Brexit vote and Donald Trump becoming US President.

Do you trust politicians, salespeople or the banks and bankers?

Given the pace of change with long establish retailers closing and downsizing; new business models, talk of AI and globalisation affecting local markets, it is not surprising that trust is an issue. However, it is a sad state of business when only 3% of sales representatives are considered trustworthy!

Trust is a real problem!

I help you develop trusted relationships and grow profitable partnerships to create predictable increasing sales. With Brexit looming, strategies to scale your sales is more important than ever. All challenges bring opportunities in equal measure.

TRUST and cultural sensitivity is an essential part of building a trusted relationship; core to scaling your sales and attracting the buyers and customers you want.

Author Robert F. Hurley in the Harvard Business Review  article, The Decision to Trust “defines trust as confident reliance on someone when you are in a position of vulnerability.”

Buyer decision-maker factors relate to their alignment of personal and professional priorities, with yours. A complex mix of personality, culture, and experience motivating factors will carefully weigh the question of “how likely is it that this salesperson will serve my interests?” When the salespersons’ interests entirely align to the buyers, then trust is a reasonable response, the alternative of misalignment is an increased risk.

Reduce Buyers Risk – Increase Trust

Far too little research is conducted before engaging with prospective buyers to establish alignment of personality, culture and experience. Far more sells are secured when there is an alignment of these decision-making factors. Scale your sales addresses the motivation, productivity and attraction gap.

Scale Your Sales is a 3-by-3 System that overcomes sales obstacles to boost your relationships and sales.

  1. Scale Your Sales helps you understand your unique strengths and your buyer’s perspective, personal, cultural and experiential motivating factors. We use DISC and value profiling strategies to understand and align your motivating factors of, Youology, your Customer and their Environment.
  2. Scale your Sales helps you to prioritise your most valued customers, those you are most closely aligned. You have all heard of the 80/20 rule, that 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your customers. This 20% is your most valued customers, so it is essential to find them and grow more like them to increase your sales productivity. We use segmentation and other strategies to Prioritise, Profile, and deliver your Promise. Alignment is a critical contributor in enabling internal expectations to lead to external results and consistently delivering on your promises to your most valued customers.
  3. To develop the opportunity to sell without selling, you must attract the right buyers and decision-makers, by getting on their shortlist of preferred choices. We use a combination of social selling strategies to help nurture your network of referrals and create opportunities to build long-term strategic partnerships and increase lifetime customer value.

We use many neuromarketing strategies to Engage, Educate, Elevate these trusted relationships:

Scale Your Sales enables you to develop these trusted relationships and grow profitable partnerships to create opportunities for predictable increasing sales.

No More Spray and Pray

The ‘spray and pray’ sales strategy no longer works and is counter-productive, in disengaging buyers and devaluing customers trust. Sales Attraction is the 3rd building block of Scale Your Sales, after Motivation and Productivity. Scale Your Sales Attraction is formed by the three Attraction elements: Engage, Educate and Elevate.

  1. You must continually Engage new and existing customers. Get on their radar and shortlisted, giving your most valued customers great service, earning your customer’s trust.
  2. Education solidifies you as the credible, trusted adviser. You must teach something new aligned to your buyer’s priorities, demonstrating your unique perspective. Then you become memorable, recommendable and trusted.
  3. To Elevate the relationship to a partnership is an investment in the trusted bond that is hard to break and easy to sustain. Trust is built over time and tested when things go wrong, implementing complete transparency, leading by example both internally and externally, helps both parties to elevate the relationship built on trust.

With trust, you create lifelong customers that experience consistent delivery on your promises aligned to customer priorities.  Most valued customers invest in the trusted relationship with referrals and recommendations and higher values purchases. This is win-win: Business is won and lost by the strength of the trusted relationships you nurture.

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We help you grow key customers and accelerate your results through the rough, via online and offline consulting and masterclasses, based on modern thinking, process change, and social and customer-focused techniques

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Scale Your Sales Janice B Gordon

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